Proclaim His Love


For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

There are many Volunteer Opportunities at Hazard First Baptist.
We host annual Mission Trips, (generally these are construction oriented)
 We are always working on our building.
Can you paint, lay flooring, do small electrical jobs?
 Deep cleaning of Sunday School Rooms or the sanctuary
Work in the kitchen serving families that have lost loved ones.  
Drive a van to pick up kids for our Awana Program.
Serve on our Guest Services team as a greeter.
Sing in our choir.
Work in our Awana Program 

Serving locally or on Mission Trips

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer for projects?

Contact pastor tim if you would like to drive the van to pick up Awana Kids, work on the building, or go on a mission trip

How do I volunteer with kids?

To serve on our Children's Church Committee, in VBS or on our AWANA program contact Lisa Combs

How do I volunteer for the Choir or drama team?

For choir contact Choir Director Olivia Callahan
For Drama, see Drama leader Carol Brashear

How do I volunteer with students?

To work in our Sunday evening Youth Program , or help with Teen Outings contact Sarrah Huber